Title: Blind Flight
AKA Blind Flight
Year: 2003
Runtime: 1 hour, 32 minutes
Country: UK
Language: English
Genre: Drama
Director:John Furse
Writer:John Furse
Credited cast:
Bassem Breish...Joker
Mohamad Chamas...Abed
Brian Devlin...Seamus the Publican
Stephen Don...RUC Officer
Dany El Khoury...Rida
Lynn Farleigh...John's Mother
Ian Hart..Brian Keenan
Ziad Lahoud...Said
Aine Ni Mhuiri...Brian's Mum
Gary Mullan...Belfast Man in pub
Nayef Rashed...Militia leader
Linus Roache...John McCarthy
Paddy Rocks...Brian's Dad
Calum Whyte..Belfast Boy
Plot / Synopsis
In 1986, Irish Republican teacher Brian Keenan and English journalist John McCarthy were kidnapped in Beirut and incarcerated in appallingly cramped conditions until August 1990. Chiefly adapted from Keenan's diary, An Evil Cradling, the film rarely strays from the grimy walls of the captives' 'home', and consequently captures, in reality-TV detail, the claustrophobic nightmare the pair were forced to endure in the name of someone else's politics. Hart (Keenan) and Roach (McCarthy) deliver performances of such emotional depth you can almost taste their fear
The true story of Irishman Brian Keenan and Englishman John McCarthy's extraordinary relationship as hostages of militias in Lebanon during the 1979-91 Civil War.
Size 305 mb
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